Patient Responses to Sedation Dentistry
The response of patients to conscious sedation for dental treatment is overwhelmingly positive. This is especially true of the deeply phobic and anxious patient. Several patient responses to a questionnaire regarding their sedation experiences are included below. The responses have been edited for clarity.
With the amount of surgery and reconstruction that I had to undergo, I would probably not have been able to go through it without sedation. My experience was great. It was very nice, easy,and painless. I was not aware of the entire appointment, so I felt no pain. Dr.Kim’s team made me feel relaxed and comfortable throughout the entire process.I think sedation is a wonderful way to do major dental work, and if you are not great at dealing with the fear of going to the dentist.
-D.S. 48 year old female
I had a three hour dental appointment. I only remember about 10 minutes of it—that’s the kind of dental visit I like! I have had several bad dental experiences in the past, and was anxious about going back to the dentist. I certainly am glad that I tried the sedation. It was my best experience at the dentist’s office, ever. If patients are as anxious as I am, sedation would be a great help to them.
-G.D. 46 year old male
I am glad that I was sedated for my dental treatment. I hadn’t had any dental work done for a few years, and it really helped me. It was very relaxing, and it was a simple process. I have very little recollection of the actual dental work that was done. With sedation, I was able to have a lot of work done in one appointment without remembering the experience. I would definitely do it again.
-E.K. 33 year old female
Sedation dentistry helped me get over my nervousness of dentists. It would have been pretty hard to go through my treatment without sedation. All I remember was people talking, but I could not understand what they said. I slept through most of my appointment.
-G.R. 67 year old male
If you’re ready to smile again, please call us at (630) 409-0185, or e-mail us to request a free sedation consultation.